Por Márcia Jamille Costa | @MJamille
A partir de novembro já estarão abertas as inscrições para os interessados em cursar Egiptologia na Universidade Americana no Cairo (Egito). Dois pré-requisitos importantes são que o candidato tenha PHD e seja fluente em hieróglifos egípcios. A apresentação em vídeo será feita agora em dezembro.

Apesar do processo seletivo começar este ano as aulas só terão início em setembro de 2012.
Read more for English version:
Job Description:
The Egyptology Program, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology and Egyptology (SAPE), at the American University in Cairo is seeking applications for a tenure-track position and open rank in Egyptology with a starting date in September 2012. While looking for candidates with a broad Egyptological background, we are looking in particular for people who have a research interest in all or most of the following fields: Egyptian history, cultural history, gender, and bioarchaeology. The candidate should also have competence in ancient Egyptian language. The duties of this position will entail extensive teaching of undergraduates of all levels, in addition to teaching graduates and participating in the life of the Unit.
A completed PhD and teaching experience are required. Successful candidates should have an ongoing program of research and publication and a demonstrated commitment to excellence in teaching. Responsibilities include undergraduate as well as graduate teaching, an active program of research and publications, and service to the Department and the University.
Additional Information:
Priority will be given to applications received by November 15th, 2011. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by video-conference in December 2011.
Note: Please remember your account login enables you to respond to AUC additional questions (if required).
Application Instructions:
All applicants must submit the following documents online:
a) a current C.V; b) a letter of interest; c) a statement of teaching philosophy; d) a completed Personal Information Form; e) Please ask at least three referees familiar with your professional background to send reference letters directly to hussref@aucegypt.edu
Note: Please remember your account login enables you to respond to AUC additional questions (if required)
URL: www.aucegypt.edu/offices/HR/EmpOpp/Pages/default.aspx
Original Link: Egyptology (AUC)